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部落格 Blogs
How did Hong Kong get entangled in the US-China trade war? - Since the enactment of National Security Law in June 2020 in Hong Kong, the city’s exports to the US have been subject to the same tariffs as those imposed...11 hours ago
Minitrue Plus Five: February 16, 2020 – Plasma Donations, Returnees, Donations - In late 2020, CDT acquired and verified a collection of propaganda directives issued by central Party authorities to state media at the beginning of that y...16 hours ago
Protests - I've been following protests in Taiwan with a great deal of sympathy for the students, admittedly lukewarm support for the details of their cause, and tre...10 years ago
消失的47%全民調母體 - 很少人知道,民調的母體的抽樣電話號碼,是以12個月以前全國「中華電信電話號碼簿」的「白頁家用電話」為母體。總母體數為427萬筆(台灣家用電話總戶數為795萬戶)。13 years ago